I do seem to be having something of a dry spell, in terms of blogging here. I have been quite busy! I composed an anthem; it was sung during a church service on 27th September. The sheet music is...
View ArticleStill ticking.
What have I been up to? I’m learning to play the organ. This is a lot of fun, but rather difficult. I try to play the right hand line with my right hand, the left hand line with my left hand, and the...
View ArticleImprovable.
Good rehearsal today with the other members of the Brigantia Consort — we looked at some new repertoire, rehearsed stuff we’ve been working on for performance probably this summer, and did some...
View ArticleBrigantia Consort hath a website.
It’s very rudimentary, but Brigantia Consort now has a web presence. Yay! Why the rush to get this done? Well, we’re busking tomorrow morning at Parliament Hill Farmers’ Market, weather permitting, to...
View ArticleThe Week Ahead
This week is looking pretty typical in terms of what I need to do, at least musically. I’m teaching tonight and tomorrow night. I’ve done most of the preparation for that, but need to remember to bring...
View ArticleThe Week, er, Behind
On Monday I posted about all I have to do this week. Things are some things that didn’t get done. I still haven’t rescheduled my dental appointment, and there are a few other phonecalls that have piled...
View ArticleWith Merry Glee
Over two months after the actual performance, I’m finally sorting through some of the music the Brigantia Consort performed this summer. The first track went up to Soundcloud just over a week ago;...
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